Thursday, October 11, 2012

Career Planning to be PR Practitioner: Internships

On Tuesday, Oct. 9, I was able to attend the Interviewing Day hosted by my college, College of Journalism and Communications.

Interview with Alachua County Today photo by Ann-Makir Magloire
Student interview's at an Open Table with Alachua County Today newspaper. photo by Ann-Makir Magloire.

I spoke with the organizations that I was scheduled for which included Gator Lodge, NCF Business Report, the local YMCA, and Patterson and Bach. I also interviewed two companies which had open tables, meaning any student could walk up and be interviewed without an appointment, and moreover I spoke with two additional organizations Suzette’s Gazette and Awesome Motives. I also had an out of the blue interview with the Florida Hospital which was amazing since they called me to come and interview with them the day of the event.
Interview with Home Magazine photo by Ann-Makir Magloire
Student interview's with Home Magazine. photo by Ann-Makir Magloire

I felt qualified for Gator Lodge because I had ideas of what I could bring to the table though I am not sure if my interview portrayed that. Moreover, while speaking with the representative from the Business Report he came up with the idea of me writing a column in about business and personal finance. The idea came out of him listening and hearing I was interested in personal business affairs and how it is something that communities don’t really talk about. This was really cool because I didn’t come into the interview knowing that was going to be the outcome. So I am really excited about the potential of working with these two organizations because I know for sure what I can bring and how I can be an asset. I am very excited.
Interviewing Day at University of Florida photo by Ann-Makir Magloire
Sitting area: students wait their turn for scheduled interviews. photo by Ann-Makir Magloire
 To continue, I really wanted to work with the YMCA because it has brand recognition, and it is a community based organization. This is what I am interested in, the community efforts, the 'localness' of an organization. However, when I sat down with him and he was asking me questions as well as explaining how he took over an organization that was about to be bankrupt to turn it around. The way he spoke of the responsibilities made me realize that interest, passion and ambition was not going to help me add to the organizational structure. I didn’t have enough experience for what he needed. Therefore, we came to the agreement that I learn more and get more experience and contact him in December for the spring semester.
Interviewing Day with Meagan Pryce photo by Ann-Makir Magloire
Meghan Pryce has her resume in hand as she goes to her interview. photo by Ann-Makir Magloire

The Patterson and Bach interview I am really not sure of what went on in terms of which direction it could go. I just know I was more relaxed and just was me, I had nothing to lose. The Florida Hospital I would love to start working on it because I do have the experience and I don’t have to be in Orlando for it. Right now, I just wait for the next best phone call. If I don’t get any of the calls I want to hear, then I try something else. I do go to UF and one of my philosophies is – I don’t have to wait for a door to open for me, I can choose to knock or walk the distance enough to find a door that is open.
I will share what I learned from the employers I interviewed in another blog post.
Overall, the event was fun. It was a great experience. I can't wait to do my next interview again.
photo by Ann-Makir Magloire
The employers at their tables interviewing or waiting to interview students. photo by Ann-Makir Magloire

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